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REVISE Digital:

Support on Digital Correction of Massive Exams

Optimize the work of teachers and enhance processes between pupils, parents, teachers and schools

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REVISE educación cabecera
Recurso 3

Correcting and Reviewing Exams Has Never Been Easier

Revise facilitates massive exam correction by leveraging Microsoft’s Cloud.

Once the students’ exams are digitalized, they are incorporated into the Office 365 platform of the educational entity and remain available to each participant in the correction, review, and feedback processes.

Teachers can see, correct and give feedback from any device, and students (and parents) can see the correction without having to physically go to the educational establishment.

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What Can Revise Provide to Your Educational Establishment?

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Increased Productivity

Reduce paper waste and the need to physically go to your educational center.

More Security

It is supported by Microsoft’s Cloud infrastructure (Office 365 and Azure).

Greater Collaboration

The work between teachers and the education center becomes more collaborative.

Enhanced Communication

It connects teachers, parents and students in an agile and orderly way.
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Increased Accessibility

The system is accessible from any device and location.

Utmost Confidentiality

The system digitizes and anonymizes exams, so the teacher evaluates unnamed exams. In addition, the system blocks the exam so that it cannot be modified.

What Benefits can Revise Provide to Your organisation or students?


Benefits for the educational institution

  • 360 º Vision of current, potentital and alumni students
  • Improving multichannel interaction with students
  • Easy control of KPIs and process tracking
  • More productivity, more collaboration, more empowerment
  • More Digital transformation

Student Benefits

  • The student receives an appropriate response, in time and form, about what he has requested from the institution
  • The student feels recognized and linked to the institution thanks to the closeness, personalized relationship and proactivity towards his person
  • The student can communicate with the center by more channels and with a consistent experience

How Is REVISE Built?

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1. Infrastructure Definition

An infrastructure is defined to support the volume of students in Office 365 (SharePoint, OneNote, Azure Active Directory)

2. Exam Uploading

An Azure batch process (Azure Blob Storage, Azure Service Bus and Azure Functions) uploads the examinations per pupil into the separate notebooks of the educational center’s Office 365.

3. Distribution by Teacher

Exams are classified by subject and teacher.

4. Publication and Delivery of Exams to Students

Once the examinations are published on REVISE (OneNote), the student can consult the correction and request a review.

5. Reviewing and Dumping of Exams

The student may request another teacher to review the examination. After the final correction is done, the exams are dumped into the system so that they can be consulted at any time.

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